Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded)

Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded)

Seizing Opportunities: The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship

Empowering Africa’s Future Leaders:

The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship is not just about funding education; it’s about empowering Africa’s future leaders to drive meaningful change in their communities and beyond. Through this scholarship, recipients are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and networks needed to tackle complex challenges and seize opportunities for growth and development.

Transformative Education:

At the University of Oxford, scholars immerse themselves in a transformative educational experience characterized by academic rigor, intellectual curiosity, and interdisciplinary collaboration. They engage with world-class faculty, participate in cutting-edge research, and leverage the university’s extensive resources to deepen their understanding of global issues and develop innovative solutions.

Global Perspective:

As Africa’s representatives at one of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions, Eni-Oxford Africa Scholars bring a unique perspective to the global discourse on business, leadership, and sustainable development. Through their diverse backgrounds, experiences, and insights, they enrich classroom discussions, challenge conventional wisdom, and contribute to a more nuanced understanding of Africa’s opportunities and challenges.

Networking and Mentorship:

Beyond the classroom, Eni-Oxford Africa Scholars have access to a vast network of alumni, mentors, and industry leaders who serve as sources of inspiration, guidance, and support. Through networking events, mentorship programs, and professional development opportunities, scholars cultivate valuable relationships that extend far beyond their time at Oxford, opening doors to career advancement and collaboration.

Driving Impact:

Armed with a world-class education and a deep sense of purpose, Eni-Oxford Africa Scholars are poised to make a tangible difference in their home countries and regions. Whether they pursue careers in business, government, academia, or civil society, scholars are committed to driving positive change and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa and beyond.

Strengthening Partnerships:

The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship is a testament to the power of partnership and collaboration in advancing education, innovation, and sustainable development. By bringing together Eni, the University of Oxford, and African scholars, the scholarship program fosters mutual understanding, cooperation, and shared prosperity.

Inspiring Future Generations:

As ambassadors of the Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship, recipients serve as role models and mentors to aspiring African leaders, inspiring them to pursue excellence, overcome obstacles, and make a difference in their communities. Through outreach programs, speaking engagements, and social media advocacy, scholars pay it forward, empowering the next generation of African talent to dream big and achieve their goals.


In conclusion, the Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship is more than just a financial award; it’s a catalyst for change, a symbol of hope, and a testament to the transformative power of education. By investing in Africa’s brightest minds, Eni and the University of Oxford are investing in the continent’s future prosperity, resilience, and sustainable development. As Eni-Oxford Africa Scholars embark on their journey, they carry with them the aspirations of millions and the determination to build a brighter future for Africa and the world.

For ambitious African professionals aspiring to elevate their careers through world-class education, the Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship stands as a beacon of opportunity. This fully funded scholarship, offered in collaboration with the University of Oxford, not only opens doors to one of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions but also paves the way for transformative leadership and impact across the African continent.

Empowering African Talent:

The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship is a testament to Eni’s commitment to fostering talent and driving sustainable development in Africa. By providing fully funded opportunities for African students to pursue an MBA at the University of Oxford, the scholarship empowers individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills, and networks needed to drive positive change in their home countries and beyond.

Investing in Sustainable Development:

Aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Eni’s mission focuses on strategic collaborations aimed at addressing key challenges facing Africa, including youth employment, agriculture, renewable energy, and environmental sustainability. The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship serves as a catalyst for advancing these goals by investing in the education and leadership development of Africa’s brightest minds.

Building on a Legacy of Excellence:

Eni’s longstanding tradition of supporting scholarships dates back to the establishment of the “Scuola Enrico Mattei,” which laid the foundation for postgraduate education in Italy. Since its inception, the “Scuola” has provided scholarships to thousands of young graduates from around the world, fostering a legacy of excellence and innovation in the energy industry. The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship continues this tradition by investing in Africa’s future leaders.

Nurturing Leadership Potential:

The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship seeks to identify exceptional individuals with a demonstrated track record of leadership, innovation, and impact. Candidates with at least two years of full-time work experience, coupled with strong quantitative and analytical skills, are encouraged to apply. Through rigorous selection criteria, the scholarship program nurtures the leadership potential of its recipients, equipping them to drive meaningful change in their communities and industries.

Bridging Gaps and Fostering Collaboration:

At the University of Oxford, Eni-Oxford Africa Scholars have the opportunity to engage with a diverse community of scholars, thought leaders, and practitioners from around the world. Through collaborative projects, research initiatives, and networking events, scholars bridge cultural divides, exchange ideas, and forge lifelong connections. This vibrant intellectual ecosystem fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, empowering scholars to address complex global challenges.

Strengthening Africa’s Presence on the Global Stage:

As ambassadors of the Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship, recipients play a crucial role in promoting Africa’s talent and potential on the global stage. Through their academic achievements, professional accomplishments, and commitment to social impact, scholars showcase Africa’s rich diversity, ingenuity, and resilience. By sharing their experiences and insights, they inspire future generations of African leaders to pursue excellence and contribute to Africa’s development.

Application Process:

The application process for the Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship is rigorous but rewarding. Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential, and a clear vision for their post-MBA career. Through essays, references, and online assessments, applicants showcase their unique strengths, experiences, and aspirations. Successful candidates not only receive financial support but also gain access to a transformative educational experience at one of the world’s leading universities.


The Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship represents more than just a financial award; it is a gateway to a world of opportunities and possibilities. By investing in Africa’s brightest minds, Eni and the University of Oxford are investing in the continent’s future prosperity and sustainable development. As scholars embark on their MBA journey, they carry with them the hope, determination, and resilience to make a lasting impact in Africa and beyond.

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